Construction Tips, News & Best Practices
Safety in construction is continuously a cornerstone of the proper work environment. This industry comes with many unavoidable risks, and safety procedures has to be updated and followed at all times. Construction Safety Week at Archdesk is all about highlighting the importance of safety in construction!
Every day, companies in the construction sector face the challenge to keep their people safe. The risks are unavoidable to workers in the field, may it be local or modular construction. That stated, it is unarguable the vital importance of encouraging and monitoring the safety of construction workers. This is why Archdesk supports the conscientisation movement Construction Safety Week that takes place between today and September 18th.
The event aims to encourage people to be safety leaders and support business to reinforce their safety culture. To achieve this, not only project management must keep its team following the safety procedures first, but its leader should also personally support and appreciate when people have the correct attitude. The movement lists how businesses can act to improve safety levels:
Thanking workers for supporting safety and recognising their efforts to be injury-free.
When people feel appreciated that they have the input, they are doing the right thing and, therefore, they keep doing it. Moreover, when people see positive examples, close team members will feel encouraged to follow the pattern to be recognised as well and so they should when they achieve it. Living examples are priceless, identify and promote them inside your company!
Increasing awareness of the importance of being committed to safety, every day.
It is all about valuing life. Accidents usually happen for the lack of care, lack of proper information and for putting the work first. Workers must be supported to understand that if they do something unsafe to make it faster, and this results in an injury, it compensates neither for the worker nor for the company. It must be made crystal clear that they should not take risks and follow the safety procedures.
Encouraging everyone to share best practices and to work together to strengthen the industry’s safety culture.
Surely you can write your company’s manifesto towards workers safety, and this registers your position on the topic, but more than words, this is expressed in daily actions. Supporting your employees and partners to share the companies best practices is the positive path to go. Maybe you could have an official internal channel for this communication to be clear and accessible inside the business.
Conducting on-site safety awareness activities to support education.
Do not shame people who still lack information and understanding. When people feel shame, they believe they are not good enough, and this will not support your goal. Help them with constructive feedback or even formal notifications if necessary on a personal level. Adapt your message to your audience and promote the topic with smart awareness activities. Think about how you can gain their attention and interest, to avoid the automatic mode when doing training. Check if people not only know but truly understand the process and WHY it needs to be this way. Ask if they agree with the safety procedures and go through their understanding to bring them back to your perspective.
Going further, during this week, we will also post articles concerning safety in construction here at our blog, to highlight its importance. We will talk about the modern approach to safety in construction, hardhats and more!
As a company working for the construction industries, Archdes’s solutions also support many activities that can help your company increase its safety levels, among which we highlight:
Measuring the safety levels through the project process
Gathering the information in one central point of communication
Following up with the indicators
Keeping this information visible at your dashboard
Generating the needed reports
The broad and detailed project information to be used as a learning point to improve future projects
Request your free demo and learn more about how we can help your company to be even more efficient!
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