03 de septiembre de 2020 3 minutos de lectura

La importancia de las integraciones de software en las empresas de construcción


La integración se utiliza a menudo como una palabra de moda, pero ¿qué significa realmente? ¿Por qué es importante para su empresa? He aquí las 3 ventajas que no puede perderse.

¿Por qué es importante la integración de sistemas?

En nuestra vida profesional, utilizamos cada vez más herramientas para apoyar nuestras acciones. Junto con el rápido desarrollo de la tecnología y la transformación digital, asistimos a un crecimiento dinámico de Soluciones informáticas. Construction companies are becoming more digitized with every passing year and the recent challenges brought by the coronavirus outbreak made us even more open to using modern solutions.

Moreover, cloud-based systems became a life-saver for remote work as it made possible to allow business continuity completely online for so many workers - from any device with internet, anywhere and any time. Moreover, this supports the flexibility that is needed today in the market.

Sin embargo, cada empresa de construcción tiene varios procesos que controlar y utiliza muchas herramientas para gestionar adecuadamente cada departamento. Esto es natural: un software de contabilidad no servirá bien como solución de gestión de proyectos y al revés. Muchas veces se necesitan herramientas dedicadas a necesidades específicas. Además, mantener todas esas herramientas conectadas es igualmente importante. Aquí es donde entra en juego la integración.

What is a System Integration?

Integración del sistema is the method of connecting various systems between each other so that you can exchange data [and draw reports!] faster, easier and more efficiently. Different software used by your company should be connected and able to interact with to save your time through automation - freeing you from double work.

Integrations are extremely important as they allow you to control data flow between software, improve the productivity of your teams and day-to-day operations. For example, integración sin fisuras entre su software ERP y su software de contabilidad es esencial para gestionar toda su empresa.

Estas conexiones son posibles gracias a mecanismos como las API, conjuntos de procedimientos que permiten a las aplicaciones acceder a los datos de un sistema operativo. Un API es esencialmente una conexión programable entre sistemas que define qué datos pueden transmitirse entre ellos. Cuantas más integraciones tenga entre sus herramientas, mejor trabajarán juntas en su beneficio.

3 Ventajas de los sistemas integrados

Una integración de datos bien diseñada y aplicada entre sus sistemas automatizará los procesos de su empresa. Esto permite que su equipo trabaje más rápido, mejor y de forma más eficiente. He aquí algunas razones por las que las integraciones de software en las empresas de construcción son extremadamente importantes.

1. Reduced Costs

Directly or indirectly - integration is one of the most efficient ways to reduce unnecessary cost. If you look at how many work hours your employees wasted on manual works required to, for example, cross-check data between systems, extract information or prepare reports, you will be surprised. All of those tasks are unnecessary costs that can be avoided with a proper setting.

Modern software providers know that and many of them already offer integration as a part of their service. Connecting tools your departments use saves money for your company and improves data accessibility for your employees.

2. Improved Security

La seguridad de los datos es uno de los aspectos más cruciales que toda empresa debe cuidar hoy en día. Las consecuencias de una fuga de datos pueden ser extremas, por eso las empresas de construcción siempre tienen que tomar seguridad de los datos into account. When adopting a new software in your company, it is important to make sure connections with your other tools will be possible.

If your company is already using multiple systems (and each one of them is compliant with the security standards) connecting them is the best thing you could do. Integrations serve as a barrier, you can assign access rights for employees, allowing them to use only specific parts of the system that are integrated with another software. Improved data flow gives you more control and reduces the possibility of a data breach.

3. Higher Productivity & Performance

Many things add up to your teams’ performance. Tedious manual tasks result in time waste, chaotic document management causes frustration and doubles the time of task completion as well as it gives more space for human mistakes. Using state of the art tools like sistema ERP de nueva generación and taking care of proper integrations between your systems improves data flow, departments cooperation and personal performance.

Also, dealing with multiple systems leads to confusion and scattered data in different formats makes it impossible to extract valuable information or even less to prepare reports. Having one central operating system or at least - making sure you can connect your systems with proper integration, is a key to efficient operations.

Construction Software Integrations- The Right Solution

Integrations in construction companies are vital for the overall performance of the business and its growth. The benefits are significant and the risks that come with not paying attention to proper internal connection are dangerous for every industry.

Last but not least, the construction companies have to obey many regulations, from Cumplimiento del GDPR a los procedimientos de seguridad. Los sistemas modernos pueden apoyar todas esas acciones, pero es vital que también prestemos atención a sus capacidades de integración.

  • Are you looking for a management tool for your construction company?

  • Are you afraid of investing in another software that will only complicate the processes instead of simplifying them?

  • Do you feel your team is slowly overwhelmed with different systems and a lack of fast data flow between them?

Archdesk connects project management and business management in one software, assuring a streamlined information flow. What is more, it can integrate with the systems you are already using!

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2025-01-18 08:28:27