22 AUG 2022 7 min de lecture

7 Steps To Choosing The Best Construction Management Software For You


Choosing the right construction management software is tough. With so much tech available, how do you find the right one for you?

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Good construction management software will trim the fat from your processes and strengthen the best. Once you're operating at that capacity, the tech help you:

  • un coût d'exploitation plus faible

  • améliorer vos capacités de reporting

  • augmenter la sécurité des données

  • maximiser la productivité

  • et bien plus encore

However, choosing a system that is best for your company can be challenging.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you should go about choosing your perfect fit construction software for you.

1. Connaissez vos attentes et établissez des priorités

Knowing what to expect is essential, so start by establishing what problems and challenges you want the system to help you with.

Get specific about your expectations. If you know what you need, you will have much more control.

The best way to find out would be to talk to those who are going to be the end-users (your employees using the software daily). Knowing what they need vs what they want will help you establish the features that each system should have.

By keeping your team involved, you will also have a higher chance of getting them on board.

2. Évaluez soigneusement toutes vos options

Do research. Compare, read, ask for advice. Can the software integrate with your existing office systems? Test how well they fit your current workflows: would they match your structure or do more harm than good.

Make a pro and cons list and see which option would be best for you.

Remember that sometimes the cheaper solution is not necessarily the best one, especially when it comes to the software that should fit your needs like a glove.

Get the decision team involved in the evaluation process - key people that will use the system. Evaluate the options that you have and move forward.

Check these reviews: Here are the 15 best construction software options on the market in 2022.

3. Create a shortlist of construction management software and tools

Make a list of the vendors that best fit all of your needs. You need to identify the software's essential criterion - what do you want it to do?

  1. Which solutions should it have? For example, should it be able to do Project Planning, solve communication issues and improve team collaboration?

  2. Quels sont les points sensibles de votre entreprise ou de votre équipe ?

  3. Comment le système peut-il vous aider à résoudre ce problème sans créer davantage de chaos ?

  4. Le nouveau logiciel est-il facile à utiliser, intuitif et convivial ?

  5. Offre-t-il un bon support client et des modules de formation ?

Think ahead and create a shortlist with the future in mind.

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4. Examinez attentivement les démonstrations de logiciels

Préparez quelques brefs scripts de démonstration contenant des flux de travail spécifiques que vous souhaitez évaluer.

After each demo, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the software you have seen with your team. Ask away as many questions as you can during the presentation and track the answers that you receive.

Si possible, faites-vous accompagner par un membre de l'équipe de décision pour avoir un deuxième avis (un regard extérieur serait peut-être utile).

Ask if the demo is recorded and if it is, ask for the recording so that you can show it later to your team. This way, they may have more questions/concerns that you can address before deciding on the system.

5. Comparez les prix

After narrowing down your options, take a look at possible project management systems in terms of pricing.

But also, remember that price should not be the most critical factor - think long-term. Especially that tools that you can customise to your company's needs and challenges might be more expensive.

However, it is worth considering it as a long-term investment.

The cost may seem high now, but the possibilities that the software gives you for the long-term return on investment may be even greater.

That is why it is so crucial to consider which solutions and customise options you need.

6. Vérifier les références

Demandez au vendeur ou vérifiez en ligne si le système a bien fonctionné pour d'autres entreprises similaires. Découvrez quels sont les défis auxquels elles ont été confrontées avec le logiciel et dans quelle mesure le vendeur a su les relever.

Cela vaut la peine d'être considéré :

  • Are there any Whitepapers or Case Studies?

  • L'entreprise peut-elle vous montrer des références ?

  • Quels autres exemples d'entreprises similaires peuvent-ils fournir ? Comment les ont-ils aidés à changer leur façon de travailler et à s'alléger ?

  • Comment le logiciel a-t-il aidé ses clients dans leurs tâches quotidiennes ?

  • Son utilisation est-elle fastidieuse et pénible, ou facilite-t-elle leur vie ?

Trouver des réponses à ces questions permettra de clarifier beaucoup de choses pour votre équipe.

Related Content: how a construction management platform gives you business and project control.

7. Time to decide

If you follow our guide, you should have no trouble finding out which option works best for you. Make sure all the agreements and must-have requirements are written down by the vendor.

Believe us, once you find your perfect fit, you will never want to go back to your old system.

Additional step - future benefits

Are you prepared for the upcoming change?

Once you implement the right software, we are sure you will feel the difference. Digital tools will help you increase productivity, streamline your work and automate the manual and repeatable processes.

Sharing the progress of work and being able to access data at any time (no matter where you are) will make your life easier. 

Commencez votre recherche du logiciel idéal en programmant une démo avec Archdesk. Nous sommes certains que nos solutions vous aideront à atteindre tous les objectifs de productivité et d'efficacité énumérés ci-dessus. Alors pourquoi ne pas essayer ?

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2024-05-03 19:50:41