L'innovation dans la construction pour le mieux

Changez votre équipe gagnante !


Voyage dans le temps dans les années 1990 et retour en 2021. Qu'est-ce qui a changé sur le marché de la construction ? Quel degré d'innovation voyez-vous (ou non) autour de vous ? La construction a solennellement besoin d'innovation et de technologies de pointe. Êtes-vous d'accord avec cette affirmation ? Pourquoi ?

Imaginez que vous êtes de retour dans les années 1990.

You work in a construction company and you are pro-innovation. You are a top notch employee and your work is always up-to-date. You always look for something new to implement and make your company’s processes more efficient.

People around you are a bit lost on what is going on in the company, but you frequently talk to them to keep them well informed. You are a role model and so is your company!

On your daily work, you physically go to places and - of course - you have a clipboard with the papers you need to update when visiting the site. You might need to call at least 3 people most of the time to gather more information.

When back to the office, as a modern person, you need to enter all the information into the computer so that others can better read and so that you can print it any time. It makes things clean and clear and supports when you need to process the information on your excel to do the company reports.

You would also like to have project reports to compare the performances and identify where you did better and propose changes, but you simply cannot find the time. You do put in a few extra hours from time to time, but you value your private time and don’t want to become a workaholic.

Soudain, vous entrez dans le tunnel temporel et êtes transporté en 2021 !

  • Qu'est-ce qui a changé pour vous ?

  • Votre entreprise fonctionne-t-elle toujours de la même manière ?

  • Les personnes qui vous entourent dirigent-elles toujours leur entreprise de la même manière "sûre et démodée" ?

->Yes, I am not lost. Everything is in place as it was. Most things did not change!

Having the comfortable feeling knowing where you stand is great, but this should not prevent you and your company from moving forward. The le secteur de la construction est le deuxième secteur le moins numérisé one in the world and this is not helping it to better perform and profit today.

In football (or soccer if you are American!), people say “don't change a winning team”, but in business if you follow this tactic , you will eventually lose. You don’t want to be trapped in time losing money as you don’t want to risk something that was safe.

->No, I am a bit lost here after the time travel. I came to the future after all!

Great! This means you and your company kept being top notch as time went by.

  • You constantly kept an eye on the improvements you could and should do.

  • You do realise technology are gadgets to support you outperform your competitors and even yourself.

  • You know that time saved equals money saved, and the better finances the company has, the better it is for all - the owner, the employees, the society and the country’s economy.

L'innovation doit être célébrée

L'innovation n'est pas une fin en soi, mais une recherche permanente d'efficacité. Les processus, les projets et les produits de l'entreprise doivent suivre le méthodologie d'amélioration continue - planifier-faire-vérifier-agir (PDCA). Si vous pouvez faire les choses mieux, plus facilement ou plus rapidement, pourquoi ne le feriez-vous pas ?

Le marché de la construction dispose de nombreuses technologies de pointe et doit en tirer le meilleur parti pour se numériser et aller au-delà. Des logiciels comme l'ERP de nouvelle génération, le BIM, la GED à robots, exosquelette, dronesAvec les imprimantes 3D, l'industrie peut grandir avec l'innovation.

Imaginez ce que ces deux forces - la technologie et la construction - pourraient réaliser ensemble....

Développement continu d'Archdesk

Ici, à Archdesk, l'innovation est notre devise. We understand that sustainable change happens with consistent, small improvements at a time. For this, we need to keep innovating.

We listen to valuable feedback from our team, our clients and the market to evolve in order to better support our customers to achieve efficiency and success. If each of our users can save 1 hour per week, this means a lot when looking through the years.

Et vous ? Do you want to know how you can improve your team's efficiency and increase the overall company's profitability?

I want to find out!

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2024-05-02 17:11:12