Quotation & Estimation

Getting your quotes and estimates right is the cornerstone of a profitable project.

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Professional & customer-oriented Smart statistics Quote tracking

& customer-oriented

Archdesk streamlines your quotation and sales process by making it modern, simple and professional. You can now generate sales quotes with complete quotation content including images, notes, and terms and conditions, and send directly to your clients for approval. What a way to speed up the sales process and protect your clients!

Professional & customer-oriented

Smart statistics

Quoting a client is one thing. Knowing (and controlling!) what happens next is another. Our smart user-friendly monthly statistics provide you with analytical information such as quote-to-close ratio or average-quotation value, so that you can adjust your quotation process or pricing accordingly.

Smart statistics

Quote tracking

Stay on top of your sales process with this quote-tracking feature. The software remembers your minimal gross margin, specific payment terms for a given client, or a due date set on quotation. It then tracks it all for you and maintains a detailed history, so that half of your hard work is already done!

Quote tracking

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All features are specifically built to work seamlessly in one software package and are highly configurable.

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Manage you labor, costs, and schedule to never undervalue your project budget.

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Manage supliers, automate tenders, and manage procurement in a powerful dedicated module.

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Speed-up, streamline, and automate a typically lengthy tendering process, saving time and money.

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Keep track of your projects value, associated costs, outdated payments, and associated invoices.

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Manage sales and purchase invoices, speed up billing, and stay on top of all due payments.

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Manage all of you financial data and integrate with your favorite accounting software.

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2024-04-26 08:24:40